Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Guess who is going to visit Room 1?

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We made Easter baskets for a special visitor tomorrow...

What went past the church today?

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Today we watched the different types of vehicles that went past the church. We used tally marks to track what we saw.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Class Mass

This morning Room 1 went to Mass at the St Joseph's Cathedral Chapel. We shared the Mass with Room 5. We really enjoyed singing and praying.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

We met a real-life scientist!

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Today Angela Brandt from Landcare Research came to talk to us about plants and how important insects are to help plants reproduce and survive.

Bye Bye Monty!

It was time to let Monty fly free. We were sad to see him go.

Monty found a place to rest....

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sophie found the Queen Bee!

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Mmmmm fresh honey!

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When I grow up I want to be a beekeeper!

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Who said we were too young to vote?

The wonderful students in Room 6 ran a mock voting booth for the whole school today.
All students got to vote for which flag we thought New Zealand should have.

Old flag = 46 votes.
New flag = 56 votes.

Well done Jacob and Olivia, you did a great job running the event!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wheels Day Prize Winners!

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Each class gave out prizes for Wheels Day. The prizes were for skill (Charlotte), Showing a school value (Mia) and effort (Olivia) - Well done girls, enjoy your prize!

Wheels Day

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Look at us having a go!

Wheels Day...

Today we got to go on the 'wheels course' that Mrs Stanley made for the school. It had ramps, a petrol station and it even had traffic lights that worked! We had so much fun.

Bug Puppets

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We made bug puppets for Inquiry today. We are going to use them to show the life cycle of Monty, our class butterfly.