Thursday, June 23, 2016

Let's Rock!

Room 1 will be leading Shared Prayer on Friday at 2:40pm.
Family and friends are welcome to join us!
Easy Blog Photo

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Monica Brown and Bubbles the Clown

Some of our lovely parent helpers enjoying the music!

Room One with Bubbles the Clown.

Monica and Bubbles are teaching the children how to be kind and loving people.

The Monica Brown Concert

The whole school went to the Monica Brown concert. We met Monica and her helper "Bubbles the Clown" We sam lots of songs and learnt lots of new actions. We had fun.

Friday, June 10, 2016

We are learning how to act out some of our favourite stories....

We are learning how to act out some of our favourite stories. The following videos are of some students acting out "Pirate Polly". (Pirate Pat is sad that his ship is sinking and Pirate Polly comes and saves the day by putting a giant cork in Pirate Pat's boat).