Friday, September 29, 2017

CARE Award - James

Well Done to James H who received his CARE award yesterday. You truly deserved it and we look forward to watching you work towards your Silver.

Room 1 - Print Making

Room 1 have worked hard on print making collage this term. One of the creations they made were these amazing bags.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Moon Sand

Oral Language is a major focus in Room 1. It not only develops children's speaking skills the activities we do encourage social interaction with the entire class. Here are photos of Room 1 playing with Moon Sand. It was a great afternoon in the sun playing together. The conversations are great to listen to. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Maori Language Week

For Maori Language Week Room 1 and 2 looked at the battle of the mountains and completed some great mountain art.

The students also completed some beautiful Koru Art.

It was great to celebrate our Maori Language.

Friday, September 15, 2017

CARE AWARDS - Meredith, Jenelle, Carmen

A big congratulations to Meredith, Jenelle and Carmen for all receiving their CARE Awards in Week 8. Keep up the amazing work.

Space Day Dress Up

As part of our Term 3 inquiry topic we ended it with an fantastic space themed dress up. The students in Room 1 looked outstanding.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Polyfest - Post 1

Today was a very exciting day for our was performance day for our Kapahaka Group and Pasifika Sunrise Group. This morning Room 1 and 2 stayed at school and watched the Kapahaka via live stream before heading to the Edgar Centre to watch the afternoon performances. It was great to see James and Rosalie up on stage.

This is post 1 - more photos to come at a later stage!!

Polyfest 2017

It was amazing to see Rosalie and James representing Room 1 on the stage. All the children who participated did St Joe's very proud.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Maori Language Week

As part of Maori Language Week we had the Kavanagh College Kapahaka come and perform. It was great to see so many ex students up there.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Te wiki o te reo maori

We are all set for a great Maori Language Week. Check back later in the week to see what Room 1 get up to.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Tongan Language Week

Room 1 are looking forward to a great week celebrating Tongan Language Week.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Time Machine!

Zeke made the suggestion that we should make a Time Machine so yesterday in Room 1 we started designing the Time Machine to be made next week. Room 1 are especially excited that we get to have chocolate and biscuits in the time machine!

Yum Yum Yum!

On Tuesday we were treated to yummy lollies from Sera, these came all the way from India from her Grandmother. We did some wonderful shared writing around our lollies also. Our faces show how much we loved the lollies.
Thank you Sera!