Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Passover Meal

On Holy Thursday St Joe's celebrated the passover as a whole school. It was a fabulous feast and a great way to better understand Holy Week and what Jesus did for us.

Palm Sunday Play

As part of Holy Week Room 1 and 2 reenacted Palm Sunday as a shared prayer for the whole school. Room 1 have really understood the importance of Holy Week and the main events that occurred in Holy Week.

Cultural Art

To continue with our cultural art theme for the term Room 1 have been exploring using templates, paint and dye to create Koru Art. These photos show the first two steps in the 3 step process.

Step 1 - trace
Step 2 - black paint
Step 3 - dye

Easter Art

The art focus for this term is painting and culture. Room 1 have been looking at different materials that can be used to paint. For our easter art we used pegs and cotton balls.

Belated St Patrick's Day Shared Prayer

Room 1 based their Shared Prayer this term on St Patrick, we were meant to present it the day before St Patrick's Day but due to a class size of 3 we postponed it by a week. All of Room 1 hopped up and spoke. I am super proud of their effort!!