Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Week 9 Certificates

Amazing work in wearable arts Sylvie and Sammy!

Miniball superstars!

Miniball superstars! What fun it was to watch the junior miniball team in action last week, such great rising stars!!

Maths Fun

This Term Room 1 have looked at the following in maths 
- Place Value (patterns of numbers) 
- Addition and Subtraction Strategies 
- Number Knowledge 
- Statistics - pictographs 

These pictures show some students hard at work playing their maths games from their group box, these games are designed to reinforce what the teachers teach them. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Week 8 Certificates

Congratulations to Joe and Leno for being awarded certificates for week 8. 

Friday, June 15, 2018

Kiwisport Term 2

Kiwisport this term had a focus on ball skills, the students made some fabulous progress in being able to catch, pass and dribble the ball. Some true wee athletes in Room 1. 

BRONZE Care Award - Mckenzy

Mckenzy worked very hard to achieve her award and was delighted to achieve it. Well done and work hard towards that silver.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Super Money Man

Room 1 had a special visitor at school - Super Money Man who came to teach the students about how to keep their money safe and what different NZ money looks like. Thanks ASB for sending him along to teach us financial literacy. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 7 Certificates

Well done to Meryn and Eloise on their awards, keep it up!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Week 6 Certificates

Congratulations to Mila and Mckenzy for showing the school values and key competencies and receiving our certificates this week. Keep it up. 

Bronze CARE Award - Poppy

Congratulations to Poppy on receiving her first ever Bronze CARE award and being the first person in Room 1 this year to receive their CARE award. Keep up the great work and strive for silver.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Week 5 Certificates

Well done McKenna and Amelie on being outstanding the past week and being worthy recipients of these certificates. Wahoo keep it up!!!