Thursday, November 29, 2018

George Bronze CARE Award

Wahoo another Room 1 CARE award. This awesome cheeky young man totally deserved his award, keep it up George!!


This term our Maori unit is focussing on Hangi, Room 1 have spent the last few weeks learning about what a Hangi is, how they cook a Hangi and a Karakia we can use before we eat. Room 2 have been learning this also so yesterday Mrs B brought in Kumara and stuffing for Room 1 and 2 to try some of the yummy things that you find in a Hangi.

The faces say it all - it was delicious!!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Week 7 Certificates

Wow, is it really week 7 of Term 4 - it is always a challenge to choose who to give the certificates to but these two amazing students really stood out last week.

Mud Kitchen Fun

Ooooh I wonder what this might be and who it might be this space!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Futsal Fun

Room 1 have a large number of students playing Futsal this term and Miss Reeves went along to enjoy the atmosphere and competitive games! Go St Joes and Room 1!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 6 Certificates

Congrats to these two amazing Room 1 for receiving certificates this week! Keep up the amazing work.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Duct Tape the Principal

As a warm up to the Blanket Fair the students had the opportunity to bring in some money and buy a piece of tape for 50cents, we then duct taped Mrs Stanley to the whiteboard - what a fun afternoon!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Art Gallery Trip

The Art Gallery trip is always a highlight of the Year for St Joes, we had a focus on patterns for our trip as we have been looking at patterns in Maths. We explored the art works with patterns, made patterns with telescopes, made patterns with spare parts and then headed into the art studio to make pattern pieces of art which can be viewed in Room 1. 

Bees Wax Wraps

It is so awesome to see the wraps the students made with Miss Lewis being used in their lunches each day, go Room 1!

Money, Money, Money

Recently in our Money, Money, Money inquiry we have been looking at needs and wants. We have started making posters with a range of needs and a range of wants on them.

Sandpit Cover

Wow, how exciting to finally have our new sandpit cover that we have been waiting for since Term 1, we went out to watch the men install it and cannot wait for the new sand to arrive so we can get out the new toys and the sun if it comes back to Dunedin.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Elijah Bronze CARE Award

Wahoo another Room 1 Care Award, this time to the energetic young man Elijah. He worked so hard since Term 2 to gain this award and certainly deserved it, keep up the amazing work!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Communion of Saints - Jesus at the temple

Room 1 have been learning all about Mary and the role she plays in Jesus' life. Part of this is learning about the story "Jesus at the temple", this is a tricky story for 5 year olds to understand so we turned it into a wee play.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Sandpit Cover

Room 1 redesigned the sandpit back in Term 1 and have been waiting all year for a new sandpit cover, it arrived last week to have its final measure, we cannot wait for it to be installed.

Welcome to school Koa

On Thursday we welcomed Koa to Room 1, she was so excited to arrive and has settled in very well. Koa has a big sister Mela in Room 3.

Week 4 Certificates

Miss Lewis awarded Aine and Patrick with certificates this week, well done!!

Friday, November 2, 2018


Wahoo another CARE award in Room 1, keep up the amazing work Meryn!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Room 5 Fun

Sometimes on Junior Joes day Miss Reeves sends some of the students off to other classes for an afternoon of fun. This week she sent them to Room 5 and what fun they had writing, drawing and doing Athletics. Thanks Room 5 for having us.