Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Cross Country 2018

Wahoo, what super runners we have in Room 1. I was so impressed with how well the students ran and gave it their best shot!

Congrats to Meryn, Eliana and Sylvie who placed respectively in the 5 Year Old girls race and Fergus, Leno and Fox who placed respectively in the 5 year old boy race.

Monday, December 10, 2018

McKenna CARE Award

Yay, McKenna totally deserved her Bronze CARE Award!!

Eliana CARE Award

Wahoo well done Eliana on your Bronze CARE Award!

Elf in Room 1........

Room 1 had an elf turn up last week.....twinkle. He has been up to lots of mischief including stealing Miss Reeves' chocolates. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Eloise Bronze CARE Award

Amazing work on receiving your Bronze CARE Award! Keep it up!!

Bronze CARE Award

It was a great pleasure to award Sammy with her Bronze CARE award this week. Keep up the amazing work you superstar!!

Independent Learning

It is such a joy to see children coming to school having taken their learning from the day at school home and continued to learn! Jack chose the book "Our Butterflies" and when he read it at home with mum he made his own red butterfly and could not wait to show me the next day!

Keep up the great work Jack, this is awesome!!