Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week 1 Certificates

Kiwisport with Kavanagh

A highlight of the school year is when Kavanagh run Kiwisport sessions for us. Unfortunately the run ruined the first session but we still got two more in.


To begin this term we are focussing on Algebra - equations and patterns. Here are some photos of us learning to make repeating patterns.

Action Stations

We were straight back into reading last week with all the favourite action stations back on offer.

Welcome to our new students

What a great start to the Term our 4 new students have had. We love the latest additions to Piwakawaka!!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Bronze CARE Award

Well done Elizabeth on this amazing achievement and waiting so patiently for this special day!

Fraction Fun with 5 year olds!

What a fantastic last week we had focussing on fractions. We were learning to:
- Identify 1/2 and 1/4
- Find 1/2 and 1/4 of a shape and set

Piwakawaka blew me away with how they picked these concepts up!