Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sophie's Video on Tuesday, 23 August 2016


  1. Hi Sophie,
    Wow, what a cool way to share your learning about word beginnings. I like the way you have shared chalk and chair. I wonder what other words you know that start with 'ch'. It was great to meet you today and work with you. I hope you get a chance to make another movie to share soon. Do you think you could help others in your class making movies?
    Mrs K

  2. Wow, Sophie! You are such a quick and clever learner!!!!

  3. Awesome work Sophie! You are such a clever bunny. We loved watching your video and now we know two words that start with ch.

  4. What a great video Sophie. I hope all the children in your class enjoyed watching your movie - oh look, children also starts with 'ch'. I wonder what else you can think of that starts with a ch? I know a mouse likes something that starts with 'ch'. Keep up the great learning. Mrs Belt (Pt England School, Auckland)
