Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 1 Certificates

Well done to Joe and Poppy for an amazing first 5 days at school! These two certainly deserved their award this week.

Week 1 Term 4

Wow, what a crazy busy first week we had in Room 1. Alongside welcoming two new students we got straight into some fun learning.

Photos as follows:
- Leo - a superstar writer in week 1 who got to visit Mrs Stanley to show off his amazing writing and got to dip into her treasure bowl! Keep up the amazing writing Leo.

- Little Gardens - last term we got to plant a little garden each and on the very hot Friday last week we transferred these to the garden. Fingers crossed they continue to grow.

- Kavanagh Kiwisport - this is continuing into week 2 and the students are have some amazing fun with the "big kids" from Kavanagh.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kavanagh Kiwisport

Kavanagh Kiwisport is continuing this term for the first two weeks. Despite the cold weather and the rain which cut our session shorts the students had a great first day back at Kiwisport with the awesome students from Kavanagh!

Welcome to New Students!

Today it was very exciting to welcome Poppy and Jo to Room 1 at the start of Term 4. St Joe's also welcome Mana into Room 3 (Poppy's brother).

We hope you are very happy at St Joe's!