Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 1 Term 4

Wow, what a crazy busy first week we had in Room 1. Alongside welcoming two new students we got straight into some fun learning.

Photos as follows:
- Leo - a superstar writer in week 1 who got to visit Mrs Stanley to show off his amazing writing and got to dip into her treasure bowl! Keep up the amazing writing Leo.

- Little Gardens - last term we got to plant a little garden each and on the very hot Friday last week we transferred these to the garden. Fingers crossed they continue to grow.

- Kavanagh Kiwisport - this is continuing into week 2 and the students are have some amazing fun with the "big kids" from Kavanagh.


  1. Hi Room 1!
    It's Angie here (Jake's mum!). I love the photos of you all planting your little gardens - it will be so much fun to see them grow! Have you as a class thought about planting vegetables, watching them grow then eating them or using them in recipes??
    Bye for now!
    Angie ...ps 'hi Jake!'

  2. Hi Room 1
    (Not sure if my previous comment was submitted so ignore this if it was):
    It's Angie here (Jake's mum). I love the photos of you all planting your little gardens - will be so much fun to see them grow! Have you as a class thought about planting a vegetable garden all year round - harvesting and eating or using the vegetables in recipes?
    Bye for now!
